DuckDuckGo Search API Reference

API Overview

DuckDuckGo Search is a simple tool for searching DuckDuckGo. It returns the search results from DuckDuckGo. To use this API, you need an API key. You can get one by creating a free account and visiting your dashboard.

Important: Ensure that this API is enabled from within your dashboard to use it in your application. If not, you may receive a 403 error

View API in Directory

Client Libaries

To get started with minimal code, most of our APIs are available through client libraries:

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Search DuckDuckGo

1 Token

Search DuckDuckGo for a given query

#GET Request science	


x-api-key (required)

This is a required header on every request. Your API Key is found from within your dashboard


This is an optional header. Set the value to application/json, application/xml, or application/yaml


The search query for DuckDuckGo

Sample Request
import requests

url = ""

querystring = {'query': 'computer science'}

headers = {
	"x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

using System.Net.Http.Headers;
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage
	Method = HttpMethod.Get,
	RequestUri = new Uri(" science"),
	Headers =
		{ "x-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY" }
using (var response = await client.SendAsync(request))
	var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
const data = null;

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;

xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', function () {
	if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
});'GET', ' science');
xhr.setRequestHeader('x-api-key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');

const request = require('request');

const options = {
  method: 'GET',
  url: ' science',
  headers: {
    'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'

request(options, function (error, response, body) {
	if (error) throw new Error(error);

HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
		.uri(URI.create(" science"))
		.header("x-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY")
		.method("GET", HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.noBody())
HttpResponse response = HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
import Foundation

let headers = [
	"x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: NSURL(string: " science")! as URL,
				cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy,
                timeoutInterval: 10.0)

request.httpMethod = "GET"
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers

let session = URLSession.shared
let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
	if (error != nil) {
		print(error as Any)
	} else {
		let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse

curl --request GET \
	--url ' science' \
	--header 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Sample Response
  "status": "ok",
  "error": null,
  "data": {
    "query": "computer science",
    "count": 23,
    "results": [
        "title": "Computer science - Wikipedia",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Computer science. Computer science is the study of computation, information, and automation. [1] [2] [3] Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory) to applied disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software )."
        "title": "What Is Computer Science? Meaning, Jobs, and Degrees",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn what computer science is, how it's used in various industries, and what careers you can pursue with a degree in this field. Explore the subfields, skills, salaries, and outlook of computer science jobs."
        "title": "What is Computer Science? - Codecademy",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn what computer science is, why it's important, and how to get started. Explore various roles in the field, from front-end and back-end engineering to data science and cybersecurity, and find out how to prepare with courses and projects."
        "title": "Computer science | Definition, Types, & Facts | Britannica",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn about the study of computers and computing, including their theoretical and algorithmic foundations, hardware and software, and their uses for processing information. Explore the history, subfields, and applications of computer science, as well as its interdisciplinary connections with other fields."
        "title": "CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard Online Course",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn the basics of computer science and programming in C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript with CS50x, Harvard's largest course. This self-paced course is open to all levels of experience and offers a certificate for a passing grade."
        "title": "CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard University",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn the basics of computer science and programming with CS50x, a self-paced online course from Harvard. Explore topics like algorithms, data structures, web development, and more with C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript."
        "title": "HarvardX: CS50's Introduction to Computer Science | edX",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn the basics of computer science and programming with C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. This self-paced course is for beginners and majors, and offers a certificate for satisfactory performance on problem sets and a final project."
        "title": "CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn computer science, mobile app and game development, business technologies, and the art of programming with CS50, the largest course on the Harvard campus. Explore introductory CS50 courses and Professional Certificate programs from Harvard that are open to learners of all backgrounds."
        "title": "Harvard CS50 - Full Computer Science University Course",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn the basics of computer science from Harvard University. This is CS50, an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art o..."
        "title": "Computer science theory | Computing | Khan Academy",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn select topics from computer science, such as algorithms, cryptography, and information theory, with interactive exercises and videos. Explore the history and applications of these concepts in various fields and contexts."
        "title": "Computer Science - Harvard University",
        "url": "",
        "description": "The concentration in Computer Science is designed to teach students skills and ideas they will use immediately and in the future. Because information technology affects every aspect of society, graduates with computer science degrees have open to them an enormous variety of careers—engineering, teaching, medicine, law, basic science, entertainment, management, and countless others."
        "title": "Computer science - Latest research and news | Nature",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Computer science is the study and development of the protocols required for automated processing and manipulation of data. This includes, for example, creating algorithms for efficiently searching ..."
        "title": "Best Online Computer Science Courses and Programs - edX",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn computer science with online courses and programs from top universities on edX. Explore topics such as algorithms, artificial intelligence, data science, and more."
        "title": "Code a New Career |",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Once you've earned this computer science degree, you'll be ready to apply your knowledge and skills to design, develop, and optimize systems that can meet current and future industry needs. Take a hands-on, scientific approach to IT. Learn programming languages and architecture along with theory, application, & ethics."
        "title": "Best Computer Science Courses Online [2024] | Coursera",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Explore the best online courses and degrees in computer science from top universities and institutions. Learn programming, data analytics, cybersecurity, AI, and more with Coursera."
        "title": "What is Computer Science? | School of Computer Science",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Georgia Tech's School of Computer Science is home to a group of faculty and researchers with breadth and strength in all aspects of the computational process—from the algorithms to the architecture, from theory to networking, from system design to the programming environments to databases. At Georgia Tech, we make computing better, now and ..."
        "title": "What to Know About Becoming a Computer Science Major",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Computer science is a major for problem-solving students who want to learn how to use computers and computational processes to build websites, program robots, mine data and more."
        "title": "Computer Science Guide | BestColleges",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn what computer science is, what skills are needed, and what careers are available in this field. Find out the job demand, salary, and specializations for computer science professionals."
        "title": "Computing | Khan Academy",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Explore various topics in computing, from programming languages and web development to algorithms and data structures. Learn with interactive lessons, videos, exercises and projects on Khan Academy."
        "title": "What is Computer Science? | Undergraduate Computer Science at UMD",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems, including their theory, design, development, and application. Learn about the principal areas of Computer Science, such as artificial intelligence, security, database systems, and more."
        "title": "Computer Science | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and ...",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn about the computer science program at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Explore the areas of study, interdisciplinary initiatives, and leadership of the department."
        "title": "Computer Science - MIT EECS - Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Explore the subareas of computer science, from theory to systems to human-computer interaction, and how they drive interdisciplinary collaboration at MIT. Learn about the latest news and events in this field, from AI for healthcare to quantum computing."
        "title": "What is Computer Science? | Michigan Technological University",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Learn about computer science as a broad and innovative field that includes software, hardware, and human-computer interaction. Explore the career opportunities, skills, and research in computer science at Michigan Tech, a leading college in computing education."
  <error />
    <query>computer science</query>
      <title>Computer science - Wikipedia</title>
      <description>Computer science. Computer science is the study of computation, information, and automation. [1] [2] [3] Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory) to applied disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software ).</description>
      <title>What Is Computer Science? Meaning, Jobs, and Degrees</title>
      <description>Learn what computer science is, how it's used in various industries, and what careers you can pursue with a degree in this field. Explore the subfields, skills, salaries, and outlook of computer science jobs.</description>
      <title>What is Computer Science? - Codecademy</title>
      <description>Learn what computer science is, why it's important, and how to get started. Explore various roles in the field, from front-end and back-end engineering to data science and cybersecurity, and find out how to prepare with courses and projects.</description>
      <title>Computer science | Definition, Types, &amp;amp; Facts | Britannica</title>
      <description>Learn about the study of computers and computing, including their theoretical and algorithmic foundations, hardware and software, and their uses for processing information. Explore the history, subfields, and applications of computer science, as well as its interdisciplinary connections with other fields.</description>
      <title>CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard Online Course</title>
      <description>Learn the basics of computer science and programming in C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript with CS50x, Harvard's largest course. This self-paced course is open to all levels of experience and offers a certificate for a passing grade.</description>
      <title>CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard University</title>
      <description>Learn the basics of computer science and programming with CS50x, a self-paced online course from Harvard. Explore topics like algorithms, data structures, web development, and more with C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript.</description>
      <title>HarvardX: CS50&amp;#x27;s Introduction to Computer Science | edX</title>
      <description>Learn the basics of computer science and programming with C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. This self-paced course is for beginners and majors, and offers a certificate for satisfactory performance on problem sets and a final project.</description>
      <title>CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard</title>
      <description>Learn computer science, mobile app and game development, business technologies, and the art of programming with CS50, the largest course on the Harvard campus. Explore introductory CS50 courses and Professional Certificate programs from Harvard that are open to learners of all backgrounds.</description>
      <title>Harvard CS50 - Full Computer Science University Course</title>
      <description>Learn the basics of computer science from Harvard University. This is CS50, an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art o...</description>
      <title>Computer science theory | Computing | Khan Academy</title>
      <description>Learn select topics from computer science, such as algorithms, cryptography, and information theory, with interactive exercises and videos. Explore the history and applications of these concepts in various fields and contexts.</description>
      <title>Computer Science - Harvard University</title>
      <description>The concentration in Computer Science is designed to teach students skills and ideas they will use immediately and in the future. Because information technology affects every aspect of society, graduates with computer science degrees have open to them an enormous variety of careers—engineering, teaching, medicine, law, basic science, entertainment, management, and countless others.</description>
      <title>Computer science - Latest research and news | Nature</title>
      <description>Computer science is the study and development of the protocols required for automated processing and manipulation of data. This includes, for example, creating algorithms for efficiently searching ...</description>
      <title>Best Online Computer Science Courses and Programs - edX</title>
      <description>Learn computer science with online courses and programs from top universities on edX. Explore topics such as algorithms, artificial intelligence, data science, and more.</description>
      <title>Code a New Career |</title>
      <description>Once you've earned this computer science degree, you'll be ready to apply your knowledge and skills to design, develop, and optimize systems that can meet current and future industry needs. Take a hands-on, scientific approach to IT. Learn programming languages and architecture along with theory, application, &amp; ethics.</description>
      <title>Best Computer Science Courses Online [2024] | Coursera</title>
      <description>Explore the best online courses and degrees in computer science from top universities and institutions. Learn programming, data analytics, cybersecurity, AI, and more with Coursera.</description>
      <title>What is Computer Science? | School of Computer Science</title>
      <description>Georgia Tech's School of Computer Science is home to a group of faculty and researchers with breadth and strength in all aspects of the computational process—from the algorithms to the architecture, from theory to networking, from system design to the programming environments to databases. At Georgia Tech, we make computing better, now and ...</description>
      <title>What to Know About Becoming a Computer Science Major</title>
      <description>Computer science is a major for problem-solving students who want to learn how to use computers and computational processes to build websites, program robots, mine data and more.</description>
      <title>Computer Science Guide | BestColleges</title>
      <description>Learn what computer science is, what skills are needed, and what careers are available in this field. Find out the job demand, salary, and specializations for computer science professionals.</description>
      <title>Computing | Khan Academy</title>
      <description>Explore various topics in computing, from programming languages and web development to algorithms and data structures. Learn with interactive lessons, videos, exercises and projects on Khan Academy.</description>
      <title>What is Computer Science? | Undergraduate Computer Science at UMD</title>
      <description>Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems, including their theory, design, development, and application. Learn about the principal areas of Computer Science, such as artificial intelligence, security, database systems, and more.</description>
      <title>Computer Science | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and ...</title>
      <description>Learn about the computer science program at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Explore the areas of study, interdisciplinary initiatives, and leadership of the department.</description>
      <title>Computer Science - MIT EECS - Massachusetts Institute of Technology</title>
      <description>Explore the subareas of computer science, from theory to systems to human-computer interaction, and how they drive interdisciplinary collaboration at MIT. Learn about the latest news and events in this field, from AI for healthcare to quantum computing.</description>
      <title>What is Computer Science? | Michigan Technological University</title>
      <description>Learn about computer science as a broad and innovative field that includes software, hardware, and human-computer interaction. Explore the career opportunities, skills, and research in computer science at Michigan Tech, a leading college in computing education.</description>
status: ok
  query: computer science
  count: 23
  - title: Computer science - Wikipedia
    description: Computer science. Computer science is the study of computation, information, and automation. [1] [2] [3] Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory) to applied disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software ).
  - title: What Is Computer Science? Meaning, Jobs, and Degrees
    description: Learn what computer science is, how it's used in various industries, and what careers you can pursue with a degree in this field. Explore the subfields, skills, salaries, and outlook of computer science jobs.
  - title: What is Computer Science? - Codecademy
    description: Learn what computer science is, why it's important, and how to get started. Explore various roles in the field, from front-end and back-end engineering to data science and cybersecurity, and find out how to prepare with courses and projects.
  - title: Computer science | Definition, Types, & Facts | Britannica
    description: Learn about the study of computers and computing, including their theoretical and algorithmic foundations, hardware and software, and their uses for processing information. Explore the history, subfields, and applications of computer science, as well as its interdisciplinary connections with other fields.
  - title: 'CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard Online Course'
    description: Learn the basics of computer science and programming in C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript with CS50x, Harvard's largest course. This self-paced course is open to all levels of experience and offers a certificate for a passing grade.
  - title: 'CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard University'
    description: Learn the basics of computer science and programming with CS50x, a self-paced online course from Harvard. Explore topics like algorithms, data structures, web development, and more with C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript.
  - title: 'HarvardX: CS50's Introduction to Computer Science | edX'
    description: Learn the basics of computer science and programming with C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. This self-paced course is for beginners and majors, and offers a certificate for satisfactory performance on problem sets and a final project.
  - title: 'CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard'
    description: Learn computer science, mobile app and game development, business technologies, and the art of programming with CS50, the largest course on the Harvard campus. Explore introductory CS50 courses and Professional Certificate programs from Harvard that are open to learners of all backgrounds.
  - title: Harvard CS50 - Full Computer Science University Course
    description: Learn the basics of computer science from Harvard University. This is CS50, an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art o...
  - title: Computer science theory | Computing | Khan Academy
    description: Learn select topics from computer science, such as algorithms, cryptography, and information theory, with interactive exercises and videos. Explore the history and applications of these concepts in various fields and contexts.
  - title: Computer Science - Harvard University
    description: The concentration in Computer Science is designed to teach students skills and ideas they will use immediately and in the future. Because information technology affects every aspect of society, graduates with computer science degrees have open to them an enormous variety of careers—engineering, teaching, medicine, law, basic science, entertainment, management, and countless others.
  - title: Computer science - Latest research and news | Nature
    description: Computer science is the study and development of the protocols required for automated processing and manipulation of data. This includes, for example, creating algorithms for efficiently searching ...
  - title: Best Online Computer Science Courses and Programs - edX
    description: Learn computer science with online courses and programs from top universities on edX. Explore topics such as algorithms, artificial intelligence, data science, and more.
  - title: Code a New Career |
    description: Once you've earned this computer science degree, you'll be ready to apply your knowledge and skills to design, develop, and optimize systems that can meet current and future industry needs. Take a hands-on, scientific approach to IT. Learn programming languages and architecture along with theory, application, & ethics.
  - title: Best Computer Science Courses Online [2024] | Coursera
    description: Explore the best online courses and degrees in computer science from top universities and institutions. Learn programming, data analytics, cybersecurity, AI, and more with Coursera.
  - title: What is Computer Science? | School of Computer Science
    description: Georgia Tech's School of Computer Science is home to a group of faculty and researchers with breadth and strength in all aspects of the computational process—from the algorithms to the architecture, from theory to networking, from system design to the programming environments to databases. At Georgia Tech, we make computing better, now and ...
  - title: What to Know About Becoming a Computer Science Major
    description: Computer science is a major for problem-solving students who want to learn how to use computers and computational processes to build websites, program robots, mine data and more.
  - title: Computer Science Guide | BestColleges
    description: Learn what computer science is, what skills are needed, and what careers are available in this field. Find out the job demand, salary, and specializations for computer science professionals.
  - title: Computing | Khan Academy
    description: Explore various topics in computing, from programming languages and web development to algorithms and data structures. Learn with interactive lessons, videos, exercises and projects on Khan Academy.
  - title: What is Computer Science? | Undergraduate Computer Science at UMD
    description: Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems, including their theory, design, development, and application. Learn about the principal areas of Computer Science, such as artificial intelligence, security, database systems, and more.
  - title: Computer Science | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and ...
    description: Learn about the computer science program at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Explore the areas of study, interdisciplinary initiatives, and leadership of the department.
  - title: Computer Science - MIT EECS - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    description: Explore the subareas of computer science, from theory to systems to human-computer interaction, and how they drive interdisciplinary collaboration at MIT. Learn about the latest news and events in this field, from AI for healthcare to quantum computing.
  - title: What is Computer Science? | Michigan Technological University
    description: Learn about computer science as a broad and innovative field that includes software, hardware, and human-computer interaction. Explore the career opportunities, skills, and research in computer science at Michigan Tech, a leading college in computing education.

Live Test API in Playground

Response Types

The DuckDuckGo Search API supports the following response content types:

application/json, application/xml, application/yaml

You can specify the response content type by setting the Accept header in your request. If you don't specify a content type, the API will default to application/json.


The DuckDuckGo Search API uses an API Key to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API key by visiting your dashboard.

Your API keys carry many privileges. To keep them from being abused, please do not share the keys on client-side code or Github etc. Keep them very secure.

To use any API, you must have it enabled from within your dashboard. Disabled APIs will fail to respond to your requests.

All requests made to the API must contain the header x-api-key in each of your requests. API requests without authentication will fail.

All API requests must also be made over secure HTTPS. Requests made over plain HTTP will fail.

Error Code Meaning
401 Your request was made with invalid credentials. This error also appears when you don't pass the x-api-key header in your request.
403 Typically, this occurs when you are trying to access an API that you have not enabled.

Rate Limits

    "status": "error",
    "data": null,
    "error": "tokens have been depleted",
    "code": 429

Each subscription has its own monthly token limit. Your token count is based on your subscription plan. If you reach your limits, don't worry. You can always upgrade or downgrade at any time.

When you reach your limit, the service will stop responding and typically return an HTTP 429 response status code. The error will also contain a detailed JSON.

The DuckDuckGo Search API uses the following error code:

Error Code Meaning
429 You have exceeded your rate limit and further requests will be denied until the next cycle.

Error Codes

For reference, the DuckDuckGo Search API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
Code Message
200 The request was successful. The response will include the requested data.
400 The request was invalid. The response will include a message that explains the error.
401 The request was not authorized. Usually, this means that the API key is missing or invalid.
403 This means that the request was trying to access a resource that it does not have permission to access.
404 This means that the resource you are trying to access does not exist.
429 This means that you have reached the rate limit. The response will include a Retry-After header that indicates how many seconds you need to wait before making a new request.
500 This means that there was an error on the server side. We are alerted when this happens and we will work to fix it as soon as possible.